Anyhow, since I usually do spend half my day holed up in my room gluing and sewing while I listen to This American Life and Radiolab podcasts, it is certainly my hope that I would have at least something to show for it. And I do.
At first, I was thinking of carving out the emoticon into the binders board so that when I glued the cover paper on the board it would show the emoticon as a depression in the cover. I've inlaid things into my coverboards before, but I'd never done text, and that seemed like it might be too tedious of work. But then, when I was in Utah at the end of February, I saw a picture of Patrick Swayze hanging on the wall at my friend Danica's house and it gave me a new idea.
my first practice transfer |
practice transfer and front cover design |
Danica had done an ink transfer of a picture of Patrick Swayze onto a canvas with matte medium and then painted with acrylics and matte medium on top of it. It was amazing...and the best part is that there is totally a ghost face in the painting. Danica told me that it was the ghost of Patrick Swayze; that he had come into her room at night after she painted it and kissed it, leaving his face on the canvas as a sign of his approval (she subsequently moved the painting up to the family room, because it was kind of creeping her out at night as it had been previously hanging above her bed). I had never known how to do an ink transfer before, but once she told me how to do it, I knew that's how I was going to put the >:c onto Mehgan's book cover.
So...I put the text "mehgan>:c" on top of a design I liked and then flipped the picture on my computer so the text was backwards. Then I printed it out on my computer printer and used matte medium to transfer the image onto a piece of Arches paper. After that, I used watercolors to accent different parts of the design then I ran the front cover paper through my sewing machine. When I was done, I just brushed a layer of gloss gel on top of it all to protect the paper from getting beat up.
For being my 3rd flat back binding ever, I'd say it's not too shabby...there are a few things here and there that I would have changed if I were to do it over again, but all in all it turned out. I might put up some instructions for a few things like the ink transfer and the headband sewing; if I do, I'll link them here later. Anyway, this has totally given me some new ideas for other books. We'll see what transpires...